I am thankful for my family. I am also thankful for being alive. I’m thankful for my pets. I’m thankful for my friends. I am thankful for our teacher and I’m thankful also for my class. I’m thankful for all the things in my class. I'm also thankful for all the things I own. I’m thankful for my Mum and Dad. I am thankful for my teeth.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
Bio Poem
First name: Isabel
3 words that describe you: Nice, funny, annoying
Who enjoys: Being with my family.
Who is able to: Be happy!
Who feels: Happy, mad, sad
Who wonders: When I can see my mum?
Who fears: Being alone and spiders
Who cares about: Family
Who dreams of: Going to new York and seeing my mum

Who enjoys: Being with my family.
Who is able to: Be happy!
Who feels: Happy, mad, sad
Who wonders: When I can see my mum?
Who fears: Being alone and spiders
Who cares about: Family
Who dreams of: Going to new York and seeing my mum
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
What We Enjoyed And Thought Was Challenging In The Hall.
On the first week we did fun stuff in the hall. I enjoyed how we made play dough it was one of the most coolest things we did in the hall. We had to put up with Room 5's noise our teacher got so grumpy that we almost went over to the library but we didn't because as soon as we stood up and started walking over they had to go swimming. So we had some peace and quiet but when they came back it was like an bomb had gone off again. I didn't like how noisy they were but when we had to do silent reading.
We did it with Room 5 because we had these buddies. My buddies name was Zara and we had to read for 10 minutes. When we finished we had to do something else with our teacher. I enjoyed the fun stuff I enjoyed making the play dough. We also made pizza it was a big mess we had to clean it up.We all had the same thing on our pizza. I went home early so I got to eat my pizza on the way hone. We had some bacon stuff on our pizza and cheese also. We had the weird red stuff on the bottom of our pizza I don't know what it was.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Open Morning
Tuesday 28th August 9-11am
9-00.am Visit the classroom join in with our start of the day. Followed by maths session.
Get your own copy of the schools update curriculum and on the opportunity to discuss what's going on at school with the mangentetent team.
Please RSVP by Thursday 23rd august
Sunday, August 19, 2018
This is our adjectives. We had to take a photo of our learning buddy or us and I took one of my learning buddy adjectives piece of paper. We had to type it on our Chromebooks and then cut the adjectives out. Then we had to glue them on to our paper.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
1. I want to get better at writing by being faster because sometimes we have a time limit.
2. I want to get better at math's by trying to get some answers right.
3. I also want to get better at spelling because its pretty hard sometimes for me.
2. I want to get better at math's by trying to get some answers right.
3. I also want to get better at spelling because its pretty hard sometimes for me.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Art Gallery
It was a nice sunny day when we went to the art gallery but I was late so I got there just in
time to the work. So we had to make an animal. I made a bird It was really fun. I had to make
a circle shape at the bottom. When we had done that we had to get a little stick and do some
lines around where you wanted to put the head on. So I put my head on and added some eyes,
and a beak but before we did any of this we had to sit down on the floor and the teacher who
talked to us said "a animal's eyes that are on the sides are for predators and if they are closed
that means they aren't looking out for predators but if they aren't ."We didn't sit on the floor the
whole time we went to tables to do make our creatures. We made our animals with clay.
We had to get more clay for the head but she came to give it to us so we didn't just walk up and say
"hey I need some clay". We had to wait for her to come up to us. I had to put my hand up so she
knew when we were finished. We had to get a little stick and write our name and one letter for our
last name so that it didn't get confused with the other Isabella. Then we had to write our school. We had to bring our bags with us. We went because it was a school trip our teacher came
because we stayed until lunch time. We went on a bus and we back on a bus too. It was very sunny
day. When we went back the bus was making funny noises. I have no idea why but there was a of talking on the bus the teacher told us to be quiet but nobody listened then she had to clap her hands because some girls
were being silly then finally we got back to school. The girls that taught us was sick and when we got time to the work. So we had to make an animal. I made a bird It was really fun. I had to make
a circle shape at the bottom. When we had done that we had to get a little stick and do some
lines around where you wanted to put the head on. So I put my head on and added some eyes,
and a beak but before we did any of this we had to sit down on the floor and the teacher who
talked to us said "a animal's eyes that are on the sides are for predators and if they are closed
that means they aren't looking out for predators but if they aren't ."We didn't sit on the floor the
whole time we went to tables to do make our creatures. We made our animals with clay.
We had to get more clay for the head but she came to give it to us so we didn't just walk up and say
"hey I need some clay". We had to wait for her to come up to us. I had to put my hand up so she
knew when we were finished. We had to get a little stick and write our name and one letter for our
last name so that it didn't get confused with the other Isabella. Then we had to write our school. We had to bring our bags with us. We went because it was a school trip our teacher came
because we stayed until lunch time. We went on a bus and we back on a bus too. It was very sunny
day. When we went back the bus was making funny noises. I have no idea why but there was a of talking on the bus the teacher told us to be quiet but nobody listened then she had to clap her hands because some girls
back to school we kept our shoes on because the bell was going really soon we just to do some Maths then the
bell went for lunch.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
What you will need to get
wooden spoon
What you will do
Get the bowl and put it on the table.
Get some toothpaste and pour half into the bowl.
Then get the shampoo and open it and pour it in the bowl three times.
Then get the spoon and mix it a couple of times.
Then put it in the freezer for 30 minutes and put the bowl on the table take it out of the bowl and hold it and have fun with it.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
My art
This is my me sheet.
This is my bunny that we did for easter
This is a poppy that we did for ANZAC day
Thursday, May 10, 2018
fundamental skills
This week we had fundamental movement skills. We had to do it in the hall, I'm not sure why but we had to sit down on the floor and we had to show how to do tuck and some other things. Then we had to get our learning buddy because we had to try and beat them with something but I forgot what it was. Then we had to go into groups because we were doing handstands on the walls. I was in the last group because I was down the end of the hall so when my group went to do it we had to go up the wall and then down safely, it was fun but scary I did not really like it because it I felt scared I don't know why. Then the bell went and
then we had to go line up.
then we had to go line up.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Swimming Sports
On Tuesday this week it was swimming sports for Seniors like me cause I'm a Year 4. Year fours up to year 6's went to swimming sports. We went to W.I,S for swimming sports. 8 year old girls went first. A teacher called out who was first. She called out our names and we had to line up and sit on the edge of the pool. I was kinda at the end of the pool or middle because when I got in it was kinda deep. So we got in with the boards and it we had to go on our fronts.
We got in and a teacher said take your mark and there were clappers. The pool was so cold and it was green. At end of the pool the teachers said everyone that came first in their races go with a teacher.
Next Whaea Jordy raced the other children that came first in their races. She came first out of all of them she got a house point thing. At the end we got to have a free swim I really liked it but we only got to go for 10 minutes. So at the end the teachers said "Everyone out" . So we all got out. The teachers also said get dressed so we all went to get dressed. We grabbed our bags and went to the girls changing rooms where they got out of their togs. I had a lost shoe for a minute but my sister found it. I said thank you to her. and then we had to walk back to school in a line all the way back to school it took a while. We didn't get to eat till we got back to school. So when we came back to school our class was playing tennis. So while they where playing it we got to eat. I almost ate my whole lunch. I ate everything but a bar and my sandwich.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Welcome back
I have learnt how to open our class blog I have also learnt how to swim and we have been to the library. We also went to science in a van. I have enjoyed swimming and going to the library. I really liked how we have been on our Chromebooks. I like how we have been swimming and how we have been going to the library I like doing silent reading but people are not that quiet.
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