Thursday, May 16, 2019


Today my class and room 4 went to the museum. Our class went to something called a star dome. We had to go in groups because if you didn't all the air would come out and the tent would fall down. When we were in there we were learning about the stars and how some of them are red and some go away in a week or so. The red ones would explode but not today in a couple of years or so. We also learnt this song and it goes like this. White and blue are young and new. Red and gold are old and cold. Puanga I think is the biggest star or its the second biggest. Matariki is the biggest star I think. Most people only see some matariki cluster  as 7 or 6 stars in matariki cluster. But there's actually 1000 or more. It was really fun at the museum.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Term 2 goals

This term I want to get better at my maths and times-tables in maths because i think i'm bad at it so i'm going to try improve on that.

I want to get better at running this term because I think i'm slow.

I want to make more friends because I don't think I have much.

I'm going to keep trying and by the end of the term I might get it.